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Giving Life Part 3


							 Giving Life Part 3
Are you ALIVE? Dumb question, you think? Not at all. Being physically alive does not mean that a person is living as God created them to live. Jesus said that a life lived in Him and for Him is an abundant life – a "life to the full". This is the kind of life God intended for every person He brought you into this world – "A FULL LIFE!"

Jesus talked about it in John 10:10 when He said, "I have come to give life – life to the full!" He was not talking about attaining a successful lifestyle as defined by the world around us. He was talking about HIMSELF! As people sought for meaning and purpose, He told them, "I am the Way." As they sought to know truth, He said, "I am the Truth." As they sought to understand the meaning of their existence, He said, "I AM THE LIFE." A life separated from Jesus Christ is not a life at all.
God has called Whitley Church and The Bridge to GIVE LIFE to people all around us, and we give this life by GIVING HIM! Giving life is the reason we exist as a church. As His followers who have clearly heard His command, we immediately understand that in everything we do as a local church body, we are to GIVE CHRIST because apart from Him there is no life. How we serve our babies in the nursery, the way we reach out at the Soup Kitchen, giving Godly counsel to the wounded, how we interact with our neighbor, providing resources for missionaries, leading our students, what we teach and preach – EVERYTHING we do as a church is about GIVING LIFE BY GIVING CHRIST!



Filetype: MP3 - Size: 74.91MB - Duration: 54:33 m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
